Grapefruit Essential Oil


A hybrid of the pomelo and orange, the grapefruit comes from an evergreen tree found in warm, subtropical climates. Our Grapefruit Essential Oil is then made from the cold-pressed rind of its fruits.

The scent of grapefruit provides a wonderful alternative among its citrus family. Its balance of acidity and sweetness makes it great for home use, as it does not overpower the senses. Our Grapefruit Essential Oil is then perfect for oilers who need constant refreshing throughout the day while lounging indoors or doing some at-home errands.

Diuretic, disinfectant, stimulant, antidepressant, antiseptic, aperitif, lymphatic, and a tonic


  • Helps stimulate urination
  • May aid in fighting infections
  • May help reduce depression and uplifts mood
  • Helps protect wounds from sepsis 
  • May help with the elimination of toxins

Blends Well With
Basil, bergamot, cedarwood, chamomile, cypress, frankincense, geranium, juniper, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, rosewood, and ylang-ylang.

BiB 100% Pure Essential Oil of Grapefruit

What You Need To Know
Botanical Name: Citrus paradisi
Country of Origin: USA
Bottle Size: 10mL
Contraindications: Citrus oils are phototoxic. Do not expose yourself to the sun while using the essential oil topically. 

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